Our creativity is a vital sign.
Nature is rousing from her hibernation and blessing us with the tender beauty of crocuses and narcissus. It is only natural for us to match her in her creative state with a glorious outburst of spring feverish creativity. Are you currently dancing with an idea that wants to be birthed through you? This workshop is suitable for all avenues of creation, whether you're an artist, musician, product creator, course designer, or just someone bursting with wild ideas!
Do any of these resonate with you?
- “I don't have any good ideas!”
- “I have trouble moving into action.”
- “I can't seem to stay focused and keep procrastinating!”
- “I don't have the time, money, or skills to actualize my idea.”
- “I don't have anything unique to offer and the competition is overwhelming me.”
If so, then join us as we build on metaphysical premises to explore a dynamic sequence of creating and engaging with your ideas on all planes.
You'll learn psychic tools for:
- gaining access to your very own creative energy,
- refraining from copying others and creating unique thought-babies that are meant just for you to bring to life,
- understanding why things might not be progressing,
- getting clear on what to do before the actual "doing" even begins
We'll also dive into the interdependence of creativity, values, and money, and how past successes can negatively influence your current creations.
Connect with likeminded souls on this journey of authentic creation.
About your host
Sophie Teubert is an energy work practitioner exploring the concepts of personal and collective freedom and interconnectedness. She combines her innate love for play with an academically trained analytical mind and psychic insight.
Tickets: 50€
Reach out to Sophie directly if you have any questions via habitualmagic.workshops@gmail.com. Or purchase a ticket via PayPal using the same email.