Sarah Jegelka
Hypnotherapist, Past Life Regressionist, Medium & Intuitive Healer
Sarah Jegelka is a certified hypnotherapist, intuitive healer, medium and founder of The Healer Within - specializing in energy medicine and human consciousness. With her clairvoyant abilities, Sarah guides individuals through profound transformation processes to release old wounds and traumas, break free from inherited patterns, embrace wisdom and integrate healing.
Sarah’s journey into healing began after an unexpected accident that abruptly ended her career as a professional dancer. After a period of despair, triggered by immobility, physical weakness, chronic pain and fatigue, Sarah felt that she was being called towards a different life purpose.
On her journey to self-healing, Sarah enrolled in a state-approved training and graduated in holistic medicine. She trained in hypnosis, morphogenetic medicine & ancestral healing, systemic constellation work, past life regression, kinesiology, TCM, trauma release, sound healing, shamanic practices and spirit channeling.
Today, in her 1:1 Energy Field Reading Sessions, Sarah attunes to an individual’s energy field to facilitate profound healing processes through hypnosis and her medial abilities. She creates a safe and nurturing space for clients to reconnect with their inner wisdom, access deep healing, and rediscover their true potential.
Sarah is currently creating The Healer Within Mystery School online, a program to share her knowledge and makes her unique healing approach accessible to a wider audience that seeks to awaken their inner healer, explore the depths of self-awareness, and embrace a path of profound transformation.
Book a session with Sarah:
1:1 Energy Field Reading and Healing with Hypnosis, Ancestral Healing and Past Life Regression

Education & Certifications:
Naturopathy - Medical Examination (state approved - Public Health Department Berlin 2020)
Alternative & Holistic Medicine (Samuel Hahnemann Schule, Berlin 2017 -2020)
Conventional Medicine & Anatomy, Pathology
Process-oriented Homeopathy, Plant Healing, Bach Flower Remedy, Psychotherapy
Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture (285h)
Past life Regression Therapy & Quantum Healing (Marije Terluin, Berlin 2022)
Matrix Energetics nach Richard Bartlett (Michael Antoni, Berlin 2019)
Systemic Therapy & Family Constellation Work nach Bernd Hellinger (Inst.f. Morphogenetic Medicine Berlin 2017-2019) Systemic Constellation Work, Morphogenetics
Morphogenetic Healing, Psycho-Kinesiology, Hypnosis (Inst.f. Morphogenetic Medicine Berlin)
Dancer / Dance Teacher (Ballettförderzentum Nürnberg, 2012)
Dancer at State Opera of Nuremberg, Solo Productions and Artistic Projects (2012-2015)
Yoga, Pilates & Personal Trainer (Emden, Bayreuth, Nuremberg, Berlin - Since 2009)
Dipl. SpOek / Sport Science, Business Administration & Law (University of Bayreuth, 2011)
Sport Science: Sports Medicine, Nutrition, Kinematics, Psychology & Systemic Coaching,...
Thesis: Systemic Coaching in Movement Therapy
Sarah’s 1:1 sessions are held at rolling tiger studio, Reichenberger Str. 61a, 10999 Berlin
If you’re interested in having your 1:1 session featured on our site, contact us at