Maximilian Juno


Maximilian is an evolutionary astrologer, as well as a trained ayurveda therapist and 720+ hours raja-yoga & meditation teacher. Ever one to quest for higher and deeper levels of meaning, truth and understanding of how the cosmos and our psyche operate, his own healing journey, including having survived cancer twice, has brought him to a place of wanting to commit his life to be in service to the awakening & healing of others. His one-on-one astrology sessions are a soulful space, held with integrity and compassion, guiding you into deeper self-remembrance.

Evolutionary astrology offers us a glimpse into the depths of our Soul and the blueprint for our incarnation as a human being. Through its lens and mirror (which remind and show us that, truly, everything is connected in this universe), we can gain a much deeper grasp on our psychological makeup: our gifts and challenges, our hidden blessings, and that which we can call “karma,” as well as the quality of the time we are living through right now (or will).

Work with Maximilian:

  • Birth Chart Readings

  • Year Ahead Forecast

  • Astrology Courses

  • Relationship Readings

If you’re interested in having your 1:1 session featured on our site, contact us at