400hr Kundalini Teacher Training by Noema Kali

June 21st, 2025 - February 7th, 2026 • Prenzlauer Berg, Berlin

Join the 400-Hour Kundalini Teacher Training at BOARÉ Studio, Berlin—a profound journey of self-discovery, spiritual growth, and yogic mastery led by Noema Kali, a dedicated teacher with over 26 years of experience. This intensive program blends in-depth theoretical learning, immersive practice, and self-discipline, guiding students through the ancient wisdom of Kundalini Yoga.

What to expect:

  • Online learning and community platform

  • Monthly full immersions in presence learning weekends;

  • 4 full immersions intensive weekends;

  • Every student will have 2 personal meeting with the teacher (in presence or online)

  • Free access to weekly Kundalini Classes (in studio) during the Teacher Training

  • WhatsApp group where additional infos will be shared

  • Certificate issued by BOARÈ and teacher Noema Pasquali

8 Modules: From April to December 2025 - on Saturdays from 16.00 to 21.00 at BOARÉ Studio in Prenzlauer Berg:

  • June 21st

  • Junly 12th

  • August 9th

  • September 6th

  • October 4th

  • November 1st

  • December 6th

  • January 10th

  • February 7th (Final test)

4 Full Immersion Retreats at Casa BOARÉ, Brandenburg:

  • 26-27 July

  • 23-24 August

  • 20-21 September

  • 18-19 October

Certificate 400 HRS KUNDALINI TEACHER TRAINING after successful completion.

  • Regular price: 4.500 euros

  • Early bird: 4.000 euros (until March 15th)

*Payment in installments possible

Training Price



Discovering the fundamentals of Kundalini: Origins and History, Philosopy, Basic Techniques;

Personal Growth and Self Discipline through Practice;

Foundations of Kundalini Yoga and Yogic lifestyle;

Yoga Technology;

Kundalini Yoga Basics: Kryas, Asanas, Mudra, Meditation, Mantra, Pranayam( Basic and Advanced); Ceremony;

Eightfold Path of Yoga;

Functional Anatomy/Western Anatomy;  

Subtle Anatomy/Yogic Anatomy;

Ayurveda/Chinese Medicine/Plant Medicine/Shamanism (foundamentals)

Bhakti Yoga and Chanting;  

Practical incrementation of theory;


Interactive group sessions;

Early morning Sadhanas;

Ceremonies and Healing;


 Giving depth and meaning to our life experience developing selfless service (Seva);

Meet your Teacher

Noema Kali

Noema spent the last 26 years of her life studying! She is (still) a student before being a teacher and this gives her a huge understanding of her students’ needs, plus her approach is community-oriented and she actually dedicated her life to studying and teaching. Born in Italy in 1978, she received her first initiation at 13 and since then her approach has been defined by integrating Western and Eastern healing techniques; what distinguishes her approach is exactly the ability to integrate different cultures and their core philosophies. Noema has been studying in Europe/India/Nepal together with Sadhus/Shamans/Healers and she is now working as a spiritual teacher and toga teacher between India and Europe.

She has studied Hatha Yoga;  Bhakti Yoga; Yoga Nidra; Yin Yoga; Trauma Informed Yoga. She is also a Reiki master, holistic therapist (Buddhistic and Jungian approaches), Esoteric and Holistic Educator, she developed her own healing technique “Akashic Healing” and she is currently taking her initiation as Lama Fera. 

She also graduated in Science of Education and Political Science, she specialized in Semiotics, Visual Anthropology and Visual Sociology.

This Teacher Training is the realization of an ambitious project, it is in not simply intended to create teachers prepared from both philosophical and practical point of view but a central part is the Self Realization of the scholar and this is also reflected in the modules program: it is a journey to Self Evolution. The last module is in fact called SEVA from Sanskrit “Saha”(with that) and “Eva” (too) that literally means “together with” and it describes the art of selfless service, Seva Yoga helps to eliminate selfish desires and focus on higher purposes and self evolution. In performing acts selflessly, one must confront his/her own difficulties, resistance and negativity. One learns to recognize personal thought patterns and behaviors, as well as different facets of his/her personality. Through this heightened self-awareness, one can surrender the aspects of his/her personality that are no longer serving him/her and find an inner peace which is not dependent on or influenced by external factors. Seva yoga combines Karma yoga, the yoga of action, and Bhakti yoga, the yoga of love and devotion. At the end of the training scholars will in fact be prepared  fully prepared  to start their journey as teachers but above all they will be closer to Moksa.

Ready to sign up?

Get in touch with us to save your spot for this training: