Hara Katsiki
Quantum Healer & Intuitive
Hara was born with a range of extrasensory gifts which today she uses to inspire and assist people in uplifting and shaping themselves towards self-empowerment, freedom, and joy. She is an ancient spiritual teacher from many different lifetimes, an in-depth healer, a natural voice of spirit and a universal ambassador of peace and goodwill.
Hara offers private sessions as a Quantum healer, Past Life Regression Hypnotherapist, Intuitive Guide and Mentor for Quantum Healing practitioners. She also develops and organizes in person and online workshops classes and retreats, teaching and sharing her knowledge and wisdom in the fields of Heart Based living, Presence, Healing, psychic & intuition development, self discovery, Ascension, consciousness, expanding awareness and assisting people in their steps into the New Earth.
Book a session with Hara:
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
Intuitive Readings

Certified Level 1 practitioner in 2015 / Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy by Dolores Cannon
Certified Level 2 practitioner in 2017 / Quantum Healing Hypnosis Academy by Dolores Cannon
Certified in 2017 as a teacher of the “JOURNEYS INTO THE HEART” workshop by the School of the Heart founded by Daniel Mittel
Certified in 2017 as a teacher of the “HEART IMAGERY”workshop by the School of the Heart founded by Daniel Mittel
Teacher of Presence certified in 2023 by the Eckhart Tolle Foundation
Certified BEYOND QUANTUM HEALING (BQH) practitioner in 2020 by Candace Craw-Goldman / QUANTUM HEALERS
Parallel Quatum Lives certified practitioner in 2019 by Karen E.Wells, THE ACADEMY OF THRIVING THERAPY
HO'OPONOPONO certified practitioner in 2024 by Dr. Joe Vitale
Additional Training:
Awakening the Illuminated Heart by Drunvalo Mielchizedek,The School of Remembering / 2015
Channeling Development Course by Alexandra Kallos / 2018
Energy Transfer Reset (ETR) by Beverly Nation / 2019
How to Channel by Lee Harris / 2020
Recognizing Extraterrestrial Frequencies by Deborah Solaris / 2021
If you’re interested in having your 1:1 session featured on our site, contact us at info@soulcollective.berlin.