Eyeopeners City Retreat

November 29th - December 1st, 2024 • Berlin, Germany

Experience abundance - how do you open yourself up to more?

Join Nathalie Faverey and Kristijana Turnbull - two of Berlin’s leading experts on “The Law of Attraction” - for a weekend workshop exploring abundance and our limiting beliefs surrounding it.

This retreat allows us to take a break from our everyday lives and our daily thought patterns, opening the space to embrace different perspectives and overcome limiting beliefs.

Language: German

The Vision

Like a fish in water, we feel incredibly comfortable and familiar with our inner attitudes and beliefs. They also serve us very well in the vast majority of areas of life. Only sometimes do areas emerge where we realize that we are coming up against limits that we are not so aware of.

Desires emerge that somehow seem difficult to achieve, so we often suppress them and don't even allow them to happen. Or we allow them to happen and feel guilty that we are better off than others. Then we try to compensate for what we have or who we are with what we do and who we are. We are particularly hard-working, exemplary or modest.

If our beliefs and convictions do not match what we actually want, this causes inner conflicts that gnaw at us.

This is often particularly obvious when it comes to abundance. It's not just about money (although many of our desires are linked to it). It is also about the abundance or lack that we feel in other areas of life (relationships, children, home, house, friendships, etc.).

Unfortunately, all of these will find it very difficult to come into our lives if we do not open ourselves to abundance and question our current boundaries. This very special weekend for the first Advent, will give you time and space to allow yourself to look at things that are close to your heart in a very loving and beautiful way.

Together we will discover where our blockages are hidden and how we successfully keep the things that are important to us away from us or prevent ourselves from accepting them.

Meet the space holders

  • Kristijana is a lawyer and consultant who has been passing on her profound and intuitive knowledge of the “Law of Attraction” based on the teachings of Abraham, Jerry and Esther Hicks and many others for more than 20 years.

  • Nathalie is a consultant and facilitator sharing her in-depth and intuitive knowledge of the “Law of Attraction” based on the teachings of Abraham, Jerry and Esther Hicks and many others for the last 20 years.

Dates & Times

  • Friday, November 29th from 19.00 - 21.00

  • Saturday, November 30th from 10.00 - 18.00

  • Sunday, December 1st from 10.00 - 18.00

Early Bird Price: 350€ (until 15/11/2024)

Regular Price: 480€

*including refreshments & snacks



Upper West Building 25. OG

Kantstrasse 164, 10623 Berlin

Ready to book?

Book your spot for the workshop by following the link below: