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Soulfully Sensual: Awaken your ecstatic self

  • Praxis Köpi 175 Köpenicker Straße Berlin, BE, 10997 Germany (map)

Hosted by Sophie Heldens

Our body is always in the present moment. When we connect deeply with our physical experience through the senses, we access a realm beyond time and space.

Sensuality is a core principle of the Tantra. Tantra views our physical reality as a manifestation of the divine, and by fully experiencing it through our senses, we open a doorway to realizing that divinity. To experience divinity in the physical is to experience ecstasy.

Modern life often dulls our senses. Many of us spend our days lost in thought, tethered to computers, disconnected from our bodies. Over time, returning to the body becomes increasingly difficult. Living in a city makes it all the more difficult: constant sensory stimulation pushes our brains to filter and numb certain inputs. Yet, in this half-numb state, we crave overstimulation to feel alive; drugs, junk food, extra sugar, loud music, porn, vibrators. With the demands of our modern lifestyle, sensual experiences are often solely experienced as a means to an end. Whether it’s food, a shower, or even sex, we often rush through these experiences, chasing outcomes like climax or relief (emotional or physical), rather than savoring the experiences themselves.

This workshop is designed to guide you in the exploration of yourself as a sensual being. It’s an opportunity to explore sensuality without goals—simply for its own sake. To enliven your senses while attuning to their subtleties. You’ll be invited (and guided) to leave your mind at the door and drop into presence, relaxation and openness. In this state we’ll invite in the ecstatic experience that can only be lived through the body- through your senses.

Sophie aims to provide a sacred, sensual space from which you’ll emerge with a renewed sense of beauty and appreciation for life.

What to expect

  • Introduction to the role of sensuality in Tantra

  • Get to know the group, explore basic principles and consent

  • Solo practice to arrive, relax, open and connect to your senses

  • Various partner and group-exercises exploring sensuality

Please take note: This event takes place at a beautiful studio located on the 5th floor. There is no elevator so please only buy a ticket if you are able to walk the up and down the stairs. You’ll find the studio in the second backyard. Take the outdoor stairs up to the front door of the building.

About the facilitator

Sophie is a Tantra and feminine embodiment facilitator. Her greatest passion is to create spaces in which individuals and couples are able to (re-)connect with the beauty of life, the beauty of humanity and the beauty of being themselves.

Tickets: 85€

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