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FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH- Online Workshop with Hara Katsiki

This is a DNA activation / regeneration course based on Epigenetics and Quantum Physics. The human body is an intelligent machine controlling your genes through your subconscious belief systems until you take charge. The whole foundation of the universe is not based on a mechanical physical universe, it is based on the invisible energy called the field. Our physical body is immersed in electromagnetic fields.Its this invisible force, the “field” that controls biology. So its this field or this matrix that gives shape to the matter. This is the base of Quantum Physics. The subconscious mind runs our biology by 95-99%. It’s the subconscious that runs the show! By changing the program that is running subconsciously, can change the blueprints of gene expression. By altering your relationship to the field, through your mind you can affect the field and change your biology.

The aim of this workshop is to re-program your cells through the power of your mind. This is the resurrection path which means that you can consciously set aside the necessity for aging, and activate the rejuvenation / youthing process.

Your cells are listening and waiting for instructions!

So let’s initiate a hyper communication with a multidimensional beautiful system!

NOTE: With your Invite to this class you will receive a link to access the video recording after the class. You will receive the video of the class for you to continue working with the initiations. If you cannot attend live, this material does carry all the frequencies for you to receive your full activation.

Duration : 90 minutes

Price : 44 EUR

Sign up & more information here.

March 6


March 7

Charity Yoga for Ukraine